Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Signs of spring

You know its been a long winter, when you look into the yard and see a big white thing in the yard and you think someone threw a garbage bag on your lawn. Then you look closer and realize that it is a pile of snow... that the yard is more grass than snow. I can not wait!!! But I feel really guilty thinking it because it happens like this every winter. 2 years ago, I was giddy with the knowledge that I was to have a baby in a couple weeks and loving the buds on the lilac tree. I thought I would be barefoot in the back yard any day. Then along comes the weekend she was born, and we get socked with a small blizzard. So I hope Mother Nature doesn't have a sick sense of humor and send me another blanket of cold and wet.

So here is to driveways that are snow free!! Bridget is a big fan. She is also a fan of her boots. They are about 2 or 3 sizes too big. But don't tell her that unless you want a kick in the shin. I made her this dress at least a year ago. Children's patterns always frustrate me with their sizing. I think this guy was stated to be for a 12 month old. B is just now able to fit it and will definitely be in this for a while to go yet.

It is a dress from Amy Butler's Little Stitches for Little Ones. While I didn't think I was a fan at first, now that she is big enough to fit it, I dig it. Especially with leggings and her chunky boots. I am determined to get to my sewing machine more often. Part of our massive "empty out the basement" project is me either donating or finishing projects that I have horded down in the original sewing space. Plus, spring is on its way. We deserve new dancing skirts and little dresses.

1 comment:

  1. Francie, you really should make more of these dresses!! It is so cute on Bridget. Is it an Etsy kind of thing? I'm not a good judge of what will sell but it just seems to be a great item to me. One of the blogs I read had an aqua hedgehog that's adorable but sellable??
