I never had my own little guide telling me when the tide would be at its highest or lowest in the days when I lived on the Island. I just sort of went with it and no matter how it ended up, I just enjoyed how it was. But I was thankful for those who did have the handy little pocket book that helped us better plan whether we would be rolling up our pants and walking in the muddy sand looking for treasures or if we would be sitting on the driftwood wondering if we had seen it come that high up on the shore before. The last few days have seemed like the emotional tides have been pulling back and forth more drastically than they have in a long time. We went from joy to tears to joy at light speed last night. And today, we had such an incredibly lovely family time running around. The rummage sales were all wiped out(still think its unfair to start a garage sale on Friday.... why should stay at homes, retirees, and service industry folks have all the luck??) and the rain was coming in quickly, but we laughed and smiled, drank our coffee and listened to B tell us her opinion on everything. Then Amanda called to clue us in that there was an Earth Day parade downtown. So we finished our thrift store shopping(score of the day was a little wooden ironing board for miss B. I promise, I'll stop buying such gender restricting toys one day..... for now its all too sweet) and headed down to the Urban Frog and joined A&E for a funky little rainy parade. Then on to the White Dog for lunch and goodbye hugs with Dane. It was a day of smiles, friends, and treasures. So color me surprised when B woke up from her nap shrieking... well, and she wasn't even awake. That helpless mournful cry is enough to break any one's heart. On top of that, Rob had to head off to work and I think I was pissed that we're still in a place where he has to work weekend nights and we rarely if ever have a full day to be together. So after that amazing morning of fun, I'm crashing a bit and teary. Thankfully, I can embrace even the lows as I know they don't last forever and that we'll be dancing again before you know it. I have faith that B will be planting her cautious love filled kisses on the cats' heads before the night is over...... that Rob will bring smiles to my eyes again before I close my eyes for the night...... that every little thing is gonna be alright. So the question is.... would I really want a tide book to give me a heads up that a low tide might be ahead or do I just do what I've always done..... headed to the shore and learned to love whatever I found?
As far as the ironing board goes, Ryan does the ironing at their house.
ReplyDeleteAnd I know I don't want to know when the lows are coming. There are so